[R] lattice: reverse order of panel.lmline, panel.smooth

Dylan Beaudette debeaudette at ucdavis.edu
Sat Jan 24 00:00:49 CET 2009


is it possible to reverse the order in which panel.lmline() or panel.smooth() 
operation in xyplot() ? This type of situation might occur when plotting some 
variable with depth, but the relation we want to describe is variable ~ 
depth, and not depth ~ variable, as the plotting formula would suggest. 

# an example:
d <- 1:100
v <- d * rnorm(100)
xyplot(d ~ v, ylim=c(100,0), type=c('p','r','smooth'))

# points are positioned correctly, but the lmline and smoothed line are in 
opposite the "desired" orientation. obviously xyplot() has no way of knowing 
this, but can it be convinced?



Dylan Beaudette
Soil Resource Laboratory
University of California at Davis

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