[R] title: words in different colors?

Barry Rowlingson b.rowlingson at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Jan 22 00:37:23 CET 2009

2009/1/21 Michael Friendly <friendly at yorku.ca>:
> In ?title I see the
> plot(cars, main = "")
> title(main = list("Stopping Distance versus Speed", cex=1.5, col="red",
> font=3))
> I can't seem to generalize this to use several colors in a single title.

 Solution from http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/e2/help/07/09/24599.html
adapted for title:

  title(expression("hair Color" * phantom(" and Eye color")),col.main="red")
  title(expression(phantom("hair Color and ") * "Eye color"),col.main="blue")
  title(expression(phantom("hair Color ") * "and" * phantom("Eye

 The trick is to overlay three titles, one for each colour, with the
stuff not in that colour wrapped in a phantom() call to produce the
correct spacing in invisible ink.

  There's probably other ways...


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