[R] time series contains internal NAs error

Harsh singhalblr at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 09:45:14 CET 2009

Hello R List,
I seem to have a peculiar problem. When using  time series data, I get
the following error when running the acf and pacf function.
Using the function acf(dtxts,plot= TRUE,xaxt = "n",col="red",na.action
= na.omit) (where dtxts is a time series object created with package
"xts" ) results in the error below.

Error in na.omit.ts(as.ts(x)) : time series contains internal NAs

The above error is seen in R 2.8.0 running on Linux.

The same function does not yield any error in R 2.8.0 on a Windows system.

I've also tried na.remove(dtxts) from the "tseries" package to solve
this problem but to no avail.

Thank you.

Harsh Singhal
Decision Systems
Mu Sigma Inc.,

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