[R] regex -> negate a word

Wacek Kusnierczyk Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
Sun Jan 18 22:18:44 CET 2009

Wacek Kusnierczyk wrote:
> # r code
> ungrep = function(pattern, x, ...)
>     grep(paste(pattern, "(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)|(*ACCEPT)", sep=""), x,
> perl=TRUE, ...)
> strings = c("abc", "xyz")
> pattern = "a[a-z]"
> (filtered = strings[ungrep(pattern, strings)])
> # "xyz"

this was a toy example, but if you need this sort of ungrep with
patterns involving alterations, you need a fix:

ungrep("a|x", strings, value=TRUE)
# "abc"
# NOT character(0)

# fix
ungrep = function(pattern, x, ...)
    grep(paste("(?:", pattern, ")(*COMMIT)(*FAIL)|(*ACCEPT)", sep=""),
x, perl=TRUE, ...)

ungrep("a|x", strings, value=TRUE)
# character(0)


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