[R] runs.test in by() statement

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Jan 14 15:55:32 CET 2009

I always have trouble with "by" myself. I don't usually get an answer  
as quickly as I did here. I usually give up and move to "aggregate" or  

First I limited the data given to "by" in the first argument to just  
the variable under question. Then by the time R sends the information  
to your function it may not be named what it was in the global  
environment, so I packaged those two functions "runs.test" and  
"as.factor" inside a packaging function that converted its name to  
"x". Seems to give possibly sensible results. See if this works for you.

 > by(exampledata$var, exampledata$interviewer,
               function(x) {runs.test(as.factor(x))} )
exampledata$interviewer: a

	Runs Test

data:  as.factor(x)
Standard Normal = -0.8823, p-value = 0.3776
alternative hypothesis: two.sided

exampledata$interviewer: b

	Runs Test

data:  as.factor(x)
Standard Normal = 0, p-value = 1
alternative hypothesis: two.sided

David Winsemius

On Jan 14, 2009, at 3:13 AM, christiaan pauw wrote:

> by(exampledata, exampledata$interviewer,
> runs.test(as.factor(exampledata$var)))

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