[R] Hmisc-xtable label

Felipe Carrillo mazatlanmexico at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 10 22:36:30 CET 2009

Dear all: 
Does anybody know about label conflicts between xtable and Hmisc? I found a couple of e-mails similar to this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem.
The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it,it takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable package(bottom of document)hyperlinks OK, but if I would create the bottom table first using xtable and then create the longtable using Hmisc then the hyperlink works OK on the longtable but not on the other one.  Thanks 
I'am using Sweave and Miktex, windows XP,R-2.8.1 to generate the document below:



\definecolor{webgreen}{rgb}{0, 0.5, 0} % less intense green
\definecolor{webblue}{rgb}{0, 0, 0.5} % less intense blue
\definecolor{webred}{rgb}{0.5, 0, 0} % less intense red

\author{Felipe D. Carrillo}
\date{January 5, 2009}
\parskip 7.2pt  

The hyperlink of table 1 doesn't work!!!! but the hyperlink of table 2 works OK
Winter-run Chinook salmon is one of four distinct "runs" of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)....
\section{Study Area}
The Sacramento River is the largest river system in California, flowing south through 600 kilometers (km)... 
\subsection{Sampling gear}
Sampling was conducted along a transect using four 2.4 m diameter rotary-screw traps......... 
\subsection{Sampling regimes}
In general, rotary traps sampled continuously throughout 24-hour periods and were serviced once daily.  
\subsection{Data collection}
All fish captured were anesthetized, identified to species......

The first table(longtable below) is generated with the latex function from Hmisc but for some reason when I try to hyperlink to it
takes me to the top of the document. The second table created with the xtable package(bottom of document)hyperlinks OK, but 
 If I would create the bottom table first using xtable and then create the longtable using Hmisc then the hyperlink works OK on the
 longtable but not on the other one. Does anybody know about conflicts between these two packages? I found a couple of e-mails similar to
 this problem but is not clear to me how to get around the label problem. Thanks
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10)
x.big <- data.frame(x)
latex(x.big,"",label="tab:nice",file="",longtable=TRUE, dec=2,landscape=TRUE,
caption='longtable generated with Hmisc.')

\subsection{Sampling effort}
Weekly sampling effort throughout the 2006 brood-year emigration period was highly variable and ranged 
from 0.21 to 1.00 (0 = 0.74, N = 52 weeks; Table 1).  Weekly sampling effort ranged from 0.21 to 1.00 (0 = 0.73, N = 26 weeks) 
between July and December, the period of greatest juvenile winter Chinook emigration, and 0.21 to 1.00 (0 = 0.75, N = 26 weeks) 
during the latter half of the emigration period (Table 1).\\ 
\subsection{Trap efficiency trials}
Eight mark-recapture trials were conducted using naturally produced fall run fry sized Chinook 

x <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 10)
ci.table <- data.frame(x)
ci.table <- xtable(x,label='tab:mytable',align="ccccccccccc",caption='Table created with xtable',digits=0)

Felipe D. Carrillo  
Supervisory Fishery Biologist  
Department of the Interior  
US Fish & Wildlife Service  
California, USA

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