[R] longtable example

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Fri Jan 9 08:32:26 CET 2009

Felipe Carrillo <mazatlanmexico <at> yahoo.com> writes:

> Could someone try to run this example? I can't make it work.

It would be better if you would show a complete sample; the error could be 
in the header part, and chances are better to get a reply when other do 
not have to guess what to add.

>  \begin{small}
>  \setlongtables
>  \begin{longtable}{
>  <<results=tex,fig=FALSE>>=
>  cat(paste(c('c', rep('cc', 34/2-1), 'c'), collapse='@{\hspace{2pt}}'))
>  @ 
>  }
>  \hline

The { after \begin{longtable} looks suspicious.


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