[R] shake rattle() and roll

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.na
Fri Jan 9 07:00:56 CET 2009


nice package this :-)-O.

It was easy to set up MySQL but I struggled immensely to get the stock
ODBC working with PostgreSQL (8.3), which has been discussed on the
mailing list before (Prof Brian):

Warning messages:
1: In odbcDriverConnect(st, ...) :
  [RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLDriverConnect
2: In odbcDriverConnect(st, ...) : ODBC connection failed

aka (DBD::ODBC in Perl)

Missing server name, port, or database name in call to CC_connect.  

aka (iodbctest)

SQLDriverConnectW = Unknown connect option (Set) (205) SQLSTATE=S1009

Figured it out, though:

Leopard comes with iODBC installed, and many people install unixODBC  
Then then configure /sw/etc/odbc*.ini and unixODBC works, but iODBC  
Even if you symlink the INI files to /Library/ODBC it doesn't work.  
Even if you
remove theunixODBC installation and only use the /Library/ODBC/ 
odbc*.ini files
it doesn't work. Even if you copy libodbcpsql.so and libodbcpsqlS.so  
/sw/lib/ to /usr/local/lib/ and then remove unixODBC (through fink) it  

However, if you leave the two libs in /usr/local/lib after removel of  
install the libiodbc/libiodbc-shlibs packages from fink, and then  
symlink the
ini files to /sw/etc, it *DOES* work.

Leading me to suspect the version of iODBC that comes with 10.5.5 (and  
is broken. Since Google is my friend I know that the CC_connect issue  
is also
prevalent on linux so I reckon it's not Mac specific.

All in all this is extremely cool, because I will have to use a  
firebird database
for my practice management software which doesn't have a direct R  
driver but now
I am confident will be able to use it (with the Read Only option :-)- 
O) to analyse
my ICD and Procedure Codes :-)-O

Three Requests for Features for rattle(): would it not be nice to also  
have direct
PostgreSQL (RdbiPgSQL) and MySQL (RMySQL) support and support for a  
SELECT statement?
In other words, sometimes the database tables directly don't give you  
what you need
and so you have to develop a (convoluted) SQL statement first.

Would be nice if one could ratlle(convolutedSQL) :-)-O

greetings, el
Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse   \        /          Managing Member, |Ondis (cc)
accounts at ondis.co.NA    / *     |     Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 98256             \     /Please do NOT send e-mail to el at lisse.NA
Windhoek Namibia         ;____/   if it is in ANY way DNS/|Ondis related

Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA el108-ARIN /   *   |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     / Please send DNS/NA-NiC related e-mail
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/             to dns-admin at na-nic.com.na

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