[R] Equivalent of match for data.frame

Sébastien pomchip at free.fr
Sat Jan 3 13:24:38 CET 2009

Dear R-users,

I am translating a S script into R and having some troubles with the 
match function. This function appears to work with vector and data.frame 
in S, but not in R, e.g.:
a <- rep((1:4), each = 10)
b <- rep((1:10), times = 4)
mydf <- data.frame(a,b)
myarg <- mydf[1,]
match(myarg, mydf)

# S returns 1 but R returns NA NA

I guess one could use match(interaction(myarg), interaction(mydf)) to do 
the job but I was just wondering if there was a more direct function.



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