[R] Ordinal Mantel-Haenszel type inference

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Fri Feb 27 16:35:17 CET 2009

I suspect that what you need will be in "S-PLUS (and R) Manual to  
Accompany Agresti’s Categorical Data Analysis (2002)" 2nd edition by  
Laura A. Thompson, 2007 which I have always been able to find with a  
Google search. Yep, it's still there:


Its Chapter 7, "Logit Models for Multinomial Responses " discusses  
various cumulative logit models.

The polr function (proportional odds logistic regression) in MASS will  
return the regression equivalent of what you are asking for. Thompson  
says the lrm in the "Desing library" will also do it, by which she  
really means that the lrm in the Design package by Harrell will do it.  
The link she offers is outdated and it doesn't really matter for  
obtaining the Hmisc/Design packages, since they are on CRAN, but  
online available documentation is currently at:


She then also mentions "lcr (library ordinal), and nordr (library  
gnlm)". Later in the chapter she illustrates the use of the vglm  
function in in the vgam package.

David Winsemius

On Feb 27, 2009, at 9:04 AM, Jourdan Gold wrote:

> Hello,
> I am searching for an R-Package that does an exentsion of the Mantel- 
> Haenszel test for ordinal data as described in Liu and Agresti  
> (1996) "A Mantel-Haenszel type inference for cummulative odds  
> ratios". in Biometrics. I see packages such as Epi that perform it  
> for binary data and derives a varaince for it using the Robbins and  
> Breslow variance method. As well as another pacakge that derives it  
> for nominal variables but does not provide a variance or confidence  
> limit.
> Does a package exist that does this? I have searched the list  
> archives and can't seem to see such a package but I could be missing  
> something.  thank you.
> yours sincerely,
> Jourdan
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