[R] Moving Average

stephen sefick ssefick at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 16:05:23 CET 2009

I wrote a little code using Fourier filtering if you would like to
take a look at this:

x <- read.production(file.choose())
#contiguous.zoo(data.frame(x[,"RM202DO.Conc"], coredata(x[,"RM202DO.Conc"])))
#contiguous.zoo(data.frame(x[,"RM61DO.Conc"], coredata(x[,"RM61DO.Conc"])))
short <- x[42685:48535,"RM202DO.Conc"]
#short <- x[53909:59957,"RM61DO.Conc"]
short.ts <- ts(coredata(short), frequency=96)
#fourier filtering
short.fft <- fft(short.ts)
plot(Re(short.fft), xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(-1000, 1000))
short.fft[789:5563] = 0+0i
short.ifft = fft(short.fft, inverse = TRUE)/length(short.fft)
#zoo series
filt <- zoo(coredata(Re(short.ifft)) , index(short))


window.plot <- function(x, y, a, b, s, d){
	plot(window.chron(x, a, b, s, d))
	plot(window.chron(y, a, b, s, d))
window.plot(short, filt, "04/17/2007", "00:01:00", "04/17/2007", "23:46:00")

plot.e <- function(b, w, x, y, z){
a <- window.chron(b, w, x, y, z)
plot(a, ylim=range(a)+0.06*c(-1, 1))
lines(a*0.98, col="blue")
lines(a*1.02, col="red")

it may not be exactly what you want, but you will have a handle on
what spectral properties that you have removed.

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Ted Harding
<Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 26-Feb-09 13:54:51, David Winsemius wrote:
>> I saw Gabor's reply but have a clarification to request. You say you
>> want to remove low frequency components but then you request smoothing
>> functions. The term "smoothing" implies removal of high-frequency
>> components of a series.
> If you produce a smoothed series, your result of course contains
> the low-frequency comsponents, with the high-frequency components
> removed.
> But if you then subtract that from the original series, your result
> contains the high-frequency components, with the low-frequency
> compinents removed.
> Moving-average is one way of smoothing (but can introduce periodic
> components which were not there to start with).
> Filtering a time-series is a very open-ended activity! In many
> cases a useful start is exploration of the spectral properties
> of the series, for which R has several functions. 'spectrum()'
> in the stats package (loaded bvy default) is one basic function.
> help.search("time series") will throw up a lot of functions.
> You might want to look at package 'ltsa' (linear time series
> analysis).
> Alternatively, if yuou already have good information about the
> frequency-structure of the series, or (for instance) know that
> it has a will-defined seasonal component, then you could embark
> on designing a transfer function specifically tuned to the job.
> Have a look at RSiteSearch("{transfer function}")
> Hoping this helps,
> Ted.
>> If smoothing really is your goal then additional R resource would be
>> smooth.spline, loess (or lowess), ksmooth, or using smoothing terms in
>> regressions. Venables and Ripley have quite a few worked examples of
>> such in MASS.
>> --
>> David Winsemius
>> On Feb 26, 2009, at 7:07 AM, <mauede at alice.it> wrote:
>>> I am looking for some help at removing low-frequency components from
>>> a signal, through Moving Average on a sliding window.
>>> I understand thiis is a smoothing procedure that I never done in my
>>> life before .. sigh.
>>> I searched R archives and found "rollmean", "MovingAverages {TTR}",
>>> "SymmetricMA".
>>> None of the above mantioned functions seems to accept the smoothing
>>> polynomial order and the sliding window with as input parameters.
>>> Maybe I am missing something.
>>> I wonder whether there is some building blocks in R if not even a
>>> function which does it all (I do not expect that much,though).
>>> Even some literature references and/or tutorials are very welcome.
>>> Thank you so much,
>>> Maura
>>> tutti i telefonini TIM!
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> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <Ted.Harding at manchester.ac.uk>
> Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
> Date: 26-Feb-09                                       Time: 14:54:43
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Stephen Sefick

Let's not spend our time and resources thinking about things that are
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annoying little problems of being mammals.

								-K. Mullis

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