[R] Formatting numeric values in a data frame

Pele drdionc at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 25 22:19:36 CET 2009

Hi R users,

I have a data frame that contains 10K obs and 200 variables 
where I am trying to format the numeric columns to look
like the output table below (format to 2 decimal places) but I am 
having no luck.. Can someone tell me the best way to 
accomplist this? 

Thanks in advance for any help!

'data.frame':   10,000 obs. of  200 variables:
 $ ID             : Factor w/ ..................
 $ x1             : num  0.1123334 0.4778966..........
 $ x2             : num  0.00002 0.00002..............
 $ x3             : num  12.33338 9.44446.............
ID		x1			         x2			        x3
a1		0.0123334		        0.000020000		12.33338
b3		0.477896366		0.000020000		9.44446
c1		0.477896366		0.000020000		9.44446
d5		0.477896366		0.000020000		9.44446
e1		0.477896366		0.000020000		9.44446
f2		0.477896366		0.000020000		9.44446
g6		0.333333333		0.000020000		9.44446
h8		0.333333333		0.000020000		9.44446
i2		0.333333333		0.000020000		9.44446
k2		0.333333333		0.000020000		9.44446


ID		x1			x2			x3
a1		0.01			0.00			12.33
b3		0.48			0.00			9.44
c1		0.48			0.00			9.44
d5		0.48			0.00			9.44
e1		0.48			0.00			9.44
f2		0.48			0.00			9.44
g6		0.33			0.00			9.44
h8		0.33			0.00			9.44
i2		0.33			0.00			9.44
k2		0.33			0.00			9.44
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