[R] [R-pkgs] New package: exams - Automatic Generation of Standardized Exams

Adrian Dusa dusa.adrian at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 17:15:57 CET 2009

Dear Bertina,

This is an interesting solutions to generate unique tests for every student, 
and there are also some more possible approaches.
We also faced this problem and our solution was to adopt the Moodle e-learning 
platform (http://www.moodle.org), create a large pool of exercises and each 
student would then get a unique test, with randomly selected questions.

What I am dreaming of (in the long term), is to link R to Moodle to 
automatically generate questions and answers, in the very same approach 
adopted at TU Wien but not with printed PDF files but directly on the server.

The big advantage is the automatic correction of the tests, with no need of 
OCR reading or manually grading, all in a nice MySQL database. Of course, this 
means that exams are given in the computer lab, but since the tests are unique 
we do that over the course of multiple consecutive days.

Useful package nevertheless, thanks very much!

On Monday 23 February 2009, Bettina Gruen wrote:
> Dear useRs,
> the new R package exams provides Sweave-based automatic generation of
> exams with multiple-choice questions and arithmetic problems. The
> package is available from CRAN:
> http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=exams
> It includes a vignette giving an overview of the main design aims and
> principles as well as strategies for adaptation and extension.
> Hands-on illustrations - based on example exercises and control files
> provided in the package - are presented to get new users started easily.
> Best,
> Bettina
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Adrian Dusa
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