[R] Questions about biglm

dobomode dobomode at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 05:33:52 CET 2009

Hello folks,

I am very excited to have discovered R and have been exploring its
capabilities. R's regression models are of great interest to me as my
company is in the business of running thousands of linear regressions
on large datasets.

I am using biglm to run linear regressions on datasets that are as
large as several GB's. I have been pleasantly surprised that biglm
runs the regressions extremely fast (one regression may take minutes
in SPSS vs seconds in R).

I have been trying to wrap my head around biglm and have a couple of

1. How can I get VIF's (Variance Inflation Factors) using biglm? I was
able to get VIF's from the regular lm function using this piece of
code I found through Google, but have not been able to adapt it to
work with biglm. Hasn't anyone been successful in this?

vif.lm <- function(object, ...) {
  V <- summary(object)$cov.unscaled
  Vi <- crossprod(model.matrix(object))
        nam <- names(coef(object))
  if(k <- match("(Intercept)", nam, nomatch = F)) {
                v1 <- diag(V)[-k]
                v2 <- (diag(Vi)[-k] - Vi[k, -k]^2/Vi[k,k])
                nam <- nam[-k]
        } else {
                v1 <- diag(V)
                v2 <- diag(Vi)
                warning("No intercept term detected. Results may
        structure(v1*v2, names = nam)

2. How reliable / stable is biglm's update() function? I was
experimenting with running regressions on individual chunks of my
large dataset, but the coefficients I got were different compared to
those obtained form running biglm on the whole dataset. Am I mistaken
when I say that update() is intended to run regressions in chunks
(when memory becomes an issue with datasets that are too large) and
produce identical results to running a single regression on the
dataset as a whole?



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