[R] Printing out a graph using different graphics devices

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 18:50:49 CET 2009

On 2/16/09, Dimitri Liakhovitski <ld7631 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
>  The code below allows me to produce the graph I want (I know - the
>  colors are strange, but it's just for the sake of an example).
>  After you run the plot<- part and then do print(plot) - that's what I want.
>  However, when I run the bits of code below (with graphics devices) -
>  what they print is different from the original plot. In .png, .emf,
>  and .tiff - my dots change their shape and my lines (I think) become
>  thinner. And in .ps format - the dots stay what they are supposed to
>  be but they change their color.
>  Could you please explain to me what the reasons are for those changes?
>  Also - should I specify my chart characteristics differently depending
>  on the device I'll be using?

Device drivers may all be subtly different, which may explain line widths etc.

For the things that you set using trellis.par.set(), see
?trellis.device. Basically, each device has its own settings, and
calls to trellis.par.set() only change the settings for the current
device. If you want to attach custom settings to your "trellis"
object, look up 'par.settings' in ?xyplot.


>  Thank you very much!
>  Dimitri
>  library(lattice)
>  d=data.frame(xx=c(2.2,2.1,3.3),yy=c(0.1,0.2,0.3),zz=c(2.5,2.0,1.8))
>  d[[2]]<-as.factor(as.numeric((d[[2]])))
>  trellis.par.set(superpose.line = list(col=c("green","red"), lwd = 2),
>                superpose.symbol = list(col=c("yellow","blue"),cex =
>  1.3, pch = 20),
>                reference.line = list(col = "gray", lty ="dotted"))
>  plot<-dotplot(c(d[[1]],d[[3]])~rep(d[[2]],2),
>        groups=rep(c("Group 1","Group 2"), each=nrow(d)),
>        main=list("Chart Title",cex=1),
>        type="b",
>        auto.key = list(space = "top", points = TRUE, lines = TRUE),
>        xlab=list("Title for X",cex=.9,font=2),
>        ylab=list("Title for Y",cex=.9,font=2),
>        panel = function(y,x,...) {
>            panel.grid(h = -1, v = -1)
>            panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
>            ltext(x, y, labels=round(y,3),
>                  cex=.8,col="black",font=2,
>                  adj=c(-0.2,1))
>        })
>  print(plot)
>  win.metafile(file="test.emf")
>  print(plot)
>  dev.off()
>  postscript(file="test.ps")
>  print(plot)
>  dev.off()
>  png(file="test.png")
>  print(plot)
>  dev.off()
>  tiff(file="test.tiff")
>  print(plot)
>  dev.off()
>  --
>  Dimitri Liakhovitski
>  MarketTools, Inc.
>  Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com
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