[R] How do i compute predicted failure time from a cox model?

Eleni Rapsomaniki er339 at medschl.cam.ac.uk
Mon Feb 16 14:49:10 CET 2009

Given a cox model:
library(Hmisc); library(survival); (library(Design); 
cox.model=cph(Surv(futime,  fustat) ~ age, data=ovarian, surv=T)
What I need is the total estimated time until failure (death), not the probability of failing at a given time (survival probability), or hazard etc, which is what I get from survest and predict for example.
I suspect the answer is embarrassing simple...

(BTW sorry for the duplicate email, the earlier HTML version of my message could not be viewed)
Eleni Rapsomaniki
Research Associate
Strangeways Research Laboratory
Department of Public Health and Primary Care

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