[R] How to plot image of contour in percent?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Feb 15 15:47:48 CET 2009

On Feb 15, 2009, at 7:55 AM, yk wrote:

> I have searched this forum with keywords contour and percent, it only
> give one irrelevent result.
> My problems is how to plot contour in percent.
> In my figure, I have use kde2d to generate density of an array with
> two dimension point.
> Using image and contour could plot it.
> But the line contour generated represent absolute value of population,
> not how much pecent point within this cycle.
> So, i there any function which could accomplish it?To generate a cycle
> which could tell me how much percent of points lies in this cycle.
> Thank you for your attention

One way to approach it would be to
-create a function that returns the density for each x and y
-assign a density score to each case
-determine the quantiles
-draw the pseudo-3d or contour plot with colors or levels at the  
desired proportion.

I think I have seen worked examples of this process, so it may be that  
searching on "quantile" instead of "percent" would be more successful.

David Winsemius

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