[R] percentage of variance explained by factors

Ian Fiske ianfiske at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 02:33:55 CET 2009

Try the functions Anova() or linear.hypthesis() in the package "car".  If
using Anova(), you probably want the type II table.

Ian Fiske

dl7631 wrote:
> Hello!
> I've run a simple linear model: result<-lm(DV~A+B+C,data=Data)
> My Data$A,Data$B, and Data$C are factors. So, lm automatically recoded
> them into dummy variables. I have all the results I need but one.
> Question: Where could I see the variance explained by all A dummy
> variables together, then all B dummy variables together, and all C
> dummy variables together - when other predictors are present (in other
> words, the sum of squared semi-partial correlations for all A dummy
> variables, B dummy variables, and C dummy variables)? Or is it just
> not possible with lm?
> Thank you very much!
> -- 
> Dimitri Liakhovitski
> MarketTools, Inc.
> Dimitri.Liakhovitski at markettools.com
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