[R] Output results to a single postscript document

Mark Difford mark_difford at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 7 15:42:46 CET 2009

Sorry, the message seems to have got botched. Here it is again:

Pele does open a PDF device (previously it was a postscript device). It
looks like what Pele is trying to do is "plot" the printed results of the
summary of a model + the AIC, together with the acf() and pacf() plots. 

As Dieter indicated, Gavin Snow's textplot() function [in gplots package]
might help. This really is a job for Sweave, which Pele should have look at. 

Pele: you could also look at Prof. Harrell's text.anova.Design function,
which you may be able to adapt to your needs. Even "simpler" would be to
write a function that uses text() [see: ?text] to plot the parts of your
model-summary and the AIC to an empty graph. 

Regards, Mark.

Hello R users,

Below is the code and output of what I am trying to do.  My goal is to
insert/print all items in the chart function into a pdf document. Only the
acf and pacf charts gets printed.

Again, thanks in advance for any help I can get!

options (scipen=999, digits=7)


tdata <- ts(read.table("C:/test/data.csv" ,sep = ",",header=TRUE))

   res 	<- function(dep, indep, fn, env = parent.frame()) {
   depnm   	<- deparse(substitute(dep))
   indepnm 	<- deparse(substitute(indep))
        fo 	<- sprintf("%s ~ lag(%s, -1) + %s", depnm, depnm, indepnm)
        fo 	<- as.formula(fo, env = env)
        mod <- do.call(dyn$lm, list(fo))
	  chart <- function(mod) {
          summ<- summary(mod)
	  aic	<- AIC(mod)
    	  dev.off()                }
	  output  <- return(list(Charts=chart(mod))) }
	  results <- res(tdata[ ,"Y"], tdata[ ,"X_VARY"]) ; results


> options (scipen=999, digits=7)
> library(lmtest)
> library(dyn)
> tdata <- ts(read.table("C:/test/data.csv" ,sep = ",",header=TRUE))
>  print(tdata)
Time Series:
Start = 1 
End = 20 
Frequency = 1 
   Unit  Y X_VARY  K D_WAY
 1    1  3      2  4    50
 2    2  5      3  9    50
 3    3  6     11 22    50
 4    4  8      4  7     2
 5    5  9     11 11     2
 6    6 12     13 13     2
 7    7 23     25 12     2
 8    8 22     30 31     3
 9    9 23      3  3     3
10   10 19     21 21    32
11   11  3      2  4    34
12   12  5      3  9     4
13   13  6     11 22     4
14   14  8      4  7     4
15   15  9     11 11     4
16   16 12     13 13     4
17   17 23     25 12     4
18   18 22     30 31     4
19   19 23      3  3     4
20   20 19     21 21     5
>    res <- function(dep, indep, fn, env = parent.frame()) {
+    depnm   <- deparse(substitute(dep))
+    indepnm <- deparse(substitute(indep))
+         fo <- sprintf("%s ~ lag(%s, -1) + %s", depnm, depnm, indepnm)
+         fo <- as.formula(fo, env = env)
+         mod <- do.call(dyn$lm, list(fo))
+   chart <- function(mod) {
+   pdf(file="results.pdf")
+      par(mfrow=c(2,1)) 
+      acf(residuals(mod)) 
+      pacf(residuals(mod)) 
+         summ<- summary(mod)
+   aic<- AIC(mod)
+       dev.off()                }
+   output  <- return(list(Charts=chart(mod))) }
>   results <- res(tdata[ ,"Y"], tdata[ ,"X_VARY"]) ; results
null device 
http://www.nabble.com/file/p21888211/results.pdf results.pdf 

Pele wrote:
> Hello R users,
> I have been trying to output all my results (text, plots, etc) into the
> same postscript file as 
> one document, but have been unable to...Can anyone help me improve my code
> below so that I can 
> accomplish this?  Currently I have to output them separately then piece
> them back together into 
> one document..
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
>  http://www.nabble.com/file/p21888211/data.csv data.csv 

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