[R] how to delete specific rows in a data frame where the first column matches any string from a list

Wacek Kusnierczyk Waclaw.Marcin.Kusnierczyk at idi.ntnu.no
Sat Feb 7 02:36:25 CET 2009

Andrew Choens wrote:
> I regularly deal with a similar pattern at work. People send me these
> big long .csv files and I have to run them through some pattern analysis
> to decide which rows I keep and which rows I kill off.
> As others have mentioned, Perl is a good candidate for this task.
> Another option would be a quick SQL query. It should be a snap to pull
> this into something like Access or OOo Base . . . . or better yet,  a
> real database like Postgres, MySQL, etc.
> In case you aren't too familiar with SQL, this query could be done by
> deleting the rows using a self join (syntax varies by product).
> But, if the pattern is as simple as it sounds and / or this is a
> one-time job, using SQL is over-kill for the situation.
> I often use sed in places where Perl is over-kill, but I can't think of
> any way to match from row to row with sed. If anyone knows how to do
> this with sed, it would (probably) be easier than trying to learn how to
> use perl. And, I would like to know how to do this with sed too.

(this is actually off-topic, but since it may be interesting for the
general public, i keep the response cc: to r-help)

yes, you can do this with sed.  suppose you have two files, one (say,
sample.txt) with the data to be filtered, record fields separated by,
e.g., a tab character, and another (say, filter.txt) with patterns to be
matched.  a row from the first is passed to output only of its second
field does not match any of the patterns -- this corresponds to (a
simplified version of) the original problem.

then, the following should do:

sed "$(sed 's/^/\/^[^\\t]\\+\\t/; s/$/\/d/' filter.txt)" sample.txt >

(unless the patterns contain characters that interfere with the shell or
sed's syntax, in which case they'd have to be appropriately escaped.)


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