[R] R Package to Dir structure and Folder Analysis?

Charles C. Berry cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu
Fri Feb 6 18:10:07 CET 2009

On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Jason Rupert wrote:

> I'm using R on Windows and wondering if there is an R package that 
> allows you to do folder structure analysis.

>  Specifically, I would like to grab the name, file size, type, and 
> creation data of files within a folder and then to means and sigmas on 
> the file size and creationdation date.

The posting guide has lot of suggestions about how to solve a problem like 
this under the 'do you homework' heading.

However, you don't really need to go even that far.

Recent versions of R have tab completion.

So take a guess as to what function might help you out, type the first few 
characters, then hit tab once (or maybe twice) and see what pops up. Then 
put a '?' in front of that function name and check the help page.

Using some of the words in your 'Specifically, ...' sentence, I tried 
this. Some of them did not complete, some completed but were obviously not 
what you were after, and some were highly suggestive. Oh yes, one led to 
a function that seemed like an obvious winner and the example on its help 
page comes very close to solving your problem.



> Thank you again for your insights.
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

Charles C. Berry                            (858) 534-2098
                                             Dept of Family/Preventive Medicine
E mailto:cberry at tajo.ucsd.edu	            UC San Diego
http://famprevmed.ucsd.edu/faculty/cberry/  La Jolla, San Diego 92093-0901

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