[R] R on Mobile Devices (Android)

Harsh singhalblr at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 13:12:02 CET 2009

Hell R-list,

At the cost of sounding far-fetched and almost incredulous, I would
like to know if any R user is remotely considering the use of R on
Mobile devices, and Android in particular.

I really do not have an idea of the kind of definite incentives in
terms of using R on Android, but having an analytical engine on a
mobile phone would allow for micro statistics to be collected from the
log files reflecting number of calls dropped, average time spent
talking, a time series of the amount of time taken for battery
recharge, and a host of other information that could be collated and

R widgets could be created for analyzing the data streams from other
apps running on the same device.

Any thoughts/suggestions/information on this topic will be highly appreciated.

Harsh Singhal
Decision Systems
Mu Sigma Inc.
Chicago, IL

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