[R] Tinn-R released with a new and complete User Guide

Jose Claudio Faria joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 12:01:36 CET 2009

Dears Tinn-R users,

We want to announce that a new version of Tinn-R Gui/Editor (Windows
OS) was released.
It now has a complete User Guide, a old request of the users.

The news of this version are below: (Feb/05/2009)

    * Bugs fixed:
         1. Latex font Enphase was fixed. It was inserting \textbf{}
instead of \emph{}.
         2. Save and load workspace is now enabled only if Rterm is running.
         3. A bug associated with the Colors preferences interface
related to Txt2tags and Deplate syntax, not allowing to change the
background color of the root element in the correct way was fixed.
    * All prior documentation of the Tinn-R project was updated, some
parts were expanded and others excluded, new ones were generated and,
finally, all were joined in the new User guide. This What is new now
is part of this user guide. The sources files (written in Txt2tags) of
this User guide is available in the folder doc/english/user_guide
where Tinn-R is installed. In this way, we hope that the user will be
able to help us in making it better, day by day, by sending us any
useful contribution.
    * The R toolbar can now be docked at left, top, right and bottom
side of the main interface. Some issues related to Rterm and Tools
interface when dragging the R tools bar, have not completely been
solved yet. In order to fix any problem, hide and show again the Rterm
or Tools interface.
    * The match brackets resource (default shortcut is CTRL+B) was
added also to the Rterm interface (IO and Log).
    * The Tools interface was a bit reworked and the menu Views was
changed to accommodate the changes.
    * The menu View and /Help was a bit reworked.
    * The sending and controlling R resources were extended to all
instances of the synEdit class. In other words, if you put the cursor
in any word, or select any text in the Editor (split or not), IO or
Log (docked or not, in the same or distinct monitors) interface and,
after this, select an action (print content, plot, etc) it will be

The installer ans sources of the project are available at SourceForge:

All the best,
Jose Claudio Faria
Estatistica - prof. Titular
joseclaudio.faria at gmail.com
joseclaudio.faria at terra.com.br

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