[R] Debug help

Eduard Pieterse (Macquarie Securities) Eduard.Pieterse at macquarie.com
Wed Feb 4 15:09:51 CET 2009

Thanks Duncan,

I am translating code from Matlab into R and am still finding my feet in
I first run TriskellData and the compute_strategy. In Matlab this is a
function, so I would be looking to do the same in R. 
The bug is in compute_strategy. I would appreciate any help you can


-----Original Message-----
From: Duncan Murdoch [mailto:murdoch at stats.uwo.ca] 
Sent: 04 February 2009 14:04
To: Eduard Pieterse (Macquarie Securities)
Cc: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R] Debug help

On 2/4/2009 6:28 AM, ehxpieterse wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting the following error: argument is of length zero
> My code:
> temp <- 0
> for (j in 1 : 3) {
> for (k in 1 : 12) {
> temp <- temp + as.double(C[k, (q - 1) * 3 + j]) * 
> as.double(m_ret_reb[i + k
> - 1, j+1])
> }
> }
> Why would R handle my temp variable as numeric(0)?

You need to send a reproducible example if you want an answer.  It's
more likely a problem with C or m_ret_reb or q, and we don't have those.

Duncan Murdoch

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