[R] Using color and plotting characters in a scatterplot matrix [Newbie Help]

pfc_ivan pfc_ivan at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 4 06:55:27 CET 2009

Hello guys, 

I have this data set that I imported into R using a line: This data set
consists of 7 columns. The two important columns are the first one called
'thrust' and the last one called 'amtemp'. 

jet<-read.table("jetthrust.txt", fill=T, head=T)

I am making a scatterplot matrix simply using the line "pairs(jet)"

The problem is that in the last column of this file which has a header name
'amtemp' I want to sort out 
the values. I want values:

Under 90: To be called low values
In between 90 and 100: To be called medium values
Larger than 100: To be called high values

Then I want those groups of values to be in different colors and different
characters on the scatterplot!

I tried many ways, And I think I am stuck. I first tried it on a normal plot
using the line. 

plot(thrust~amtemp,jet, subset=(jet$amtemp<90), col=1, pch=11)
plot(thrust~amtemp,jet, subset=(jet$amtemp<100), col=2, pch=12)
plot(thrust~amtemp,jet, subset=(jet$amtemp>100), col=3, pch=13)

It didnt work because it just took the last plot and overwrite it over the
last one :(

Someone help please. 

Thanks in advance. 

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