[R] lm function

RORAM rogelio.a.mancisidor at student.bi.no
Tue Feb 3 19:53:18 CET 2009


I do not use R lenguage for programming, hence Im trying to understand how
are specified the models below. I been reading some webpages with
information about the notation in the "lm" function, but havent understand
exactly what does the ":" do. Can some one give me an explenation of the
models below so I can replicate the results in other program.
#common intercept
#paralell lines

TS is the dependent variable, log(bodyWt) is a covariate and D is either 1
or 2, depending in the case.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/lm-function-tp21816422p21816422.html
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