[R] Model (Y) from left-censored independant variable (s)

Boucher Etienne Etienne.Boucher at ete.inrs.ca
Tue Feb 3 19:12:59 CET 2009

Hi all;
I'm trying to model a response variable (Y) from one (and eventually more...) independant left-censored variable (X*)
In other words, X* is a random variable with values 0 -> inf.

Thus, let  c=0
X*= x if x>= c
X*= c if x< c

Does anyone knows a function or package in [R] enabling to model Y from a censored predictor X*?

Thanks for your help!


Étienne Boucher
Stagiaire Post-Doctoral

Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Centre Eau-Terre-Environnement
490, de la Couronne, Québec (Québec)
G1K 9A9
Tel: 418-654-3823
etienne.boucher at ete.inrs.ca

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