[R] Package manuals.

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Feb 3 04:03:14 CET 2009

When I create a manual for a package that I create and use locally,
e.g. via

	R CMD Rd2dvi --pdf foo

where ``foo'' is the name of the directory containing the source for
the package (also named ``foo'') the resulting manual does not appear
to have an index.

The package.pdf files appearing on CRAN all seem to have indices.   
What must
I do to get an index appended to the package?  Is there some  
needed to the ``R CMD Rd2dvi'' incantation, or do I need to proceed in
a different manner entirely?  I looked for an answer in ``Writing R  
but could not see one.

I also notice an unimportant but mysterious difference in the manual  
The manuals I produce locally (via R CMD Rd2dvi --pdf foo) have  
titles of
the form `` Package `foo' ''.  Those on CRAN seem to have titles of the
from `` The foo Package''.  What induces this difference?


		Rolf Turner

P. S.: In case it's of any consequence, my session info is:

R version 2.8.0 (2008-10-20)


attached base packages:
[1] datasets  utils     stats     graphics  grDevices methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] misc_0.0-11    fortunes_1.3-5 MASS_7.2-44

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