[R] RGtk2 / gWidgets - addHandlerClicked Problem

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Dec 27 18:05:24 CET 2009

On Dec 27, 2009, at 11:29 AM, Mark Heckmann wrote:

> In The following code, the table handler is executed twice when the  
> button is pressed (from the 2nd pressing on).

Can't reproduce. On a Mac 10.5.8, R 2.10.1, running the 64 bit GUI,  
after choosing the gWidgetstcltk option for GUI toolkit when gwindow()  
is first executed, I do not get a behavior that suggests that the  
table handler gets executed twice with each button click. I get an X11  
window with a button across the width of the top of the window. Each  
time the button is clicked I get :
addhandlerclicked button
addhandlerclicked table

Just for fun I modified your tbl handler and got sensible incrementing  
highlighting of the rows with:
 > addhandlerclicked(b, handler=function(h, ...){
+ 	cat("addhandlerclicked button\n")
+ 	svalue(tbl, index=T) <- 1+svalue(tbl)	# the earlier code did not  
change values
+ })

> I want it to be executed only once. Does someone know, why this  
> happens and how I can change it?
> library(gWidgets)
> w <- gwindow()
> b <- gbutton("press", cont=w)
> tbl <- gtable(1:10, cont=w)
> addhandlerclicked(b, handler=function(h, ...){
> 	cat("addhandlerclicked button\n")
> 	svalue(tbl, index=T) <- 1				# change the table value
> })
> addhandlerclicked(tbl, handler=function(h, ...){
> 	cat("addhandlerclicked table\n")
> })
> Thanks!
> Mark

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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