[R] issue with using rm: cannot generate on-the-fly list

Romain Francois romain.francois at dbmail.com
Thu Dec 17 15:05:25 CET 2009

The list argument of rm is supposed to be a character vector, as 
indicated in ?rm. not a list.

You can do something like this:

rm( list = Filter( exists, c("rv1","rv2", "rv3", "rv4") ) )

or, considering rm only warns when you attempt to remove objects, you 

suppressWarnings( rm( list = c("rv1","rv2", "rv3", "rv4") ) )


On 12/17/2009 11:33 AM, Cormac Long wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following problem when trying to use rm:
> In a top level script file I have a loop iterating over some index. The loop
> is not contained within a function, so the scope of variables declared in
> the loop is global. Within this loop I generate several variables which
> should be removed at the end of each iteration. To do this, I wrote a
> function to clean up the workspace. An example is included here:
> cleanUpWorkspace<-function()
> {
>      #Remove key data sructures, if they have been declared:
>      delList<-list()
>      for(varname in c("rv1","rv2", "rv3", "rv4")) {
>          if(exists(varname)) {
>              delList<-append(delList, varname)
>          }
>      }
>      if(length(delList)>0) {
>          rm(list=delList, pos=-1)
>          #rm(list=delList, envir=parent.env(environment()))
>          #rm(list=delList, envir=globalenv())
>      }
> }
> Unfortunately, this fails to work - it aborts with the following error:
> Error in rm(list = delList, pos = -1) : invalid first argument
> if I use rm(list=delList, pos=-1)
> Or with the following error:
> Error in rm(list = delList, evir = parent.env(environment())) :
>    ... must contain names or character strings
> if I use rm(list=delList, envir=parent.env(environment())) or
> rm(list=delList, envir=globalenv())
> I get the same errors if I bypass rm entirely and use
> .Internal(remove(delList, globalenv(),FALSE)).
> I am using R version 2.10.0 running on a windows 7 box.
> I want to declare the clean-up within a function for design purposes. The
> full project is spread over several files and I am trying to keep the main
> loop as simple as possible.
> Sincerly,
> Cormac Long.

Romain Francois
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