[R] how to set column width of terminal output?

Michael Olberg michael.olberg at chalmers.se
Thu Dec 10 12:57:30 CET 2009


I am new to this list and my question may be trivial, I did however not 
find an answer to it using the help.search or RSiteSearch features of R. 
This is my question:

R seems to break lines of terminal output at a column which is 
independent of how wide I have made my terminal. I would have expected R 
to honor the COLUMNS environment variable, but that seems not to be the 
case. So is there an R internal variable I have to configure, something 
like the fill-column of emacs?

If my terminal is wide enough to show a wide table, I want to be able to 
print it like that and not have R print a first set of columns followed 
by a second set.


Michael Olberg                           <michael.olberg at chalmers.se>
SRON                                           tel: +31-(0)50-3638028
Landleven 12, P.O.Box 800,                     fax: +31-(0)50-3634033
NL-9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands       mobile: +31-(0)63-1236953
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