[R] Histogram probabilities >1 ????!!!

Peter Flom peterflomconsulting at mindspring.com
Wed Dec 2 12:47:33 CET 2009

Trafim <rdapamoga at gmail.com> wrote

>well, I definitely don't understand anything.
>Why the hist function with freq=FALSE gives such a strange result???
>R <- c(-1.10,  0.79, -1.17, -0.53, -0.26, -0.22,  0.29, -0.26, -0.26,  0.39)
>hist(R, freq=FALSE, breaks=10)

The total AREA has to equal 1, which does not mean that the highest height has to be less than 1.

It looks like each of your bars is about .2 wide; area = height*width, so .... that high one in the middle has area of about 2*.2 = .4



Peter L. Flom, PhD
Statistical Consultant
Website: www DOT peterflomconsulting DOT com
Writing; http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/582880/peter_flom.html
Twitter:   @peterflom

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