[R] [Fwd: Re: Video demo of using svSocket with data.table]

Erich Neuwirth erich.neuwirth at univie.ac.at
Thu Aug 27 12:11:47 CEST 2009

If you are working on windows, Thomas  Baier's statconnDCOM and rcom
allow you to access R servers via COM. The statconnDCOM package also has
a servermanager which allows to configure servers for exclusive or
nonexclusive (= common workspace) usage for different clients
(possibly living on different machines).

Philippe Grosjean wrote:
> Forwarded to R-Help, because I think it could interest people following
> this thread. Clearly, RServe and svSocket have different goals and very
> little overlap.
> Best,
> Philippe
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Video demo of using svSocket with data.table
> Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 20:34:19 +0100
> From: Matthew Dowle <mdowle at mdowle.plus.com>
> Reply-To: Matthew Dowle <mdowle at mdowle.plus.com>
> To: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>,    Romain Francois
> <romain.francois at dbmail.com>
> References: <h6kcod$5ed$1 at ger.gmane.org>
> <4A8E632D.6060504 at sciviews.org><4A8E6AF1.9060009 at dbmail.com>
> <4A8E9E7D.9070209 at sciviews.org>
> Hi Philippe & Romain,
> Thanks - interesting discussion on the list - I just caught up with it now.
> I agree with everything basically and look forward to the 'planned for the
> future'.  The 'feature' of "every clients and the CLI are working with the
> same objects on the same environment" is really important to keep btw - got
> a bit worried by your "*feature*" in case you thought it was a bad thing.
> Rserve doesn't do that!  Its a great feature and really important.
> I compared Rserve to svSocket and came up with this list (confirmed with
> Simon U). You probably already know this but just in case :
> 1. The main thing is Rserve's clients each have their own workspace.  Its
> not one shared workspace, unlike with svSocket.  So one client can't write
> something and another client then read it because they only see their own
> workspaces within Rserve.   You might as well start lots of R's basically.
> 2. There is no CLI (command line interface) to Rserve i.e. no prompt to
> type
> at.  Its just a process that sits there and responds to clients only.
> 3. Rserve on windows is limited to only one client connection, no more. The
> docs say that Windows is not recommended (for this reason).
> 4. You have to start Rserve first before you send commands to it.  With
> svSocket, you can startup any old R, do some analysis and gather data, then
> decide to become a server and let clients connect. This is a really
> important workflow feature. With Rserve you have to think in advance and
> know that you'll need to be a server.
> You can't do any of those things with Rserve, but you can with svSocket.
> Rserve does do binary data transfer though.
> Regards, Matthew
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Philippe Grosjean" <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
> Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.r.general
> To: "Romain Francois" <romain.francois at dbmail.com>
> Cc: "Matthew Dowle" <mdowle at mdowle.plus.com>; <r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch>
> Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 2:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Video demo of using svSocket with data.table
> Romain Francois wrote:
>> Hi Philippe,
>> When Matthew brought this up the first time on this list, there were
>> several replies to warn about potential problems related to R not
>> being thread safe, and that this might cause trouble.
> Well, that is true, R is not thread safe. What happens, basically, is
> that R clients run in the tcltk event loop. When a client is doing
> something, R is locked, processing the client's request before returning
> to the main loop. On the contrary, something running in the main loop
> can be interrupted pretty much anytime by a client's request. Regarding
> different clients, it is first in, first served rule: requests are
> processed in the order they appear.
> It would be possible to adapt svSocket to delay processing of
> (asynchronous only) requests from clients, waiting from flags set by,
> either the main loop, or another client. That would be rather easy to do.
> Otherwise, every clients and the CLI are working with the same objects
> on the same environment (.GlobalEnv, as primary one), but that is a
> *feature*! One constraint for designing svSocket is that the behaviour
> of R has to be as much as possible identical when a command is run on
> the main loop through the CLI, or from within a client.
> Of course, you can imagine all sorts of bad interactions, and it is
> very, very easy to write a bad-behaving client. The goal is not to write
> a client-server architecture, but a multitasking way of manipulating R
> by the same end-user (thus, not likely to feed bad code from one side to
> destroy what he is doing from another side :-)
> Best,
> Philippe
>> Since you were on holidays, we did not get your viewpoint. Could you
>> elaborate on how you deal with this.
>> "browser" works off the REPL, so this is unlikely that svSocket can
>> take advantage of it, since the socket runs on a different loop. or
>> maybe you can add something that feeds the R main loop, but I'm not
>> sure this is possible unless you embed R ...
>> Romain
>> On 08/21/2009 11:04 AM, Philippe Grosjean wrote:
>>> Hello Matthew and all R-UseRs,
>>> You video demo is very nice. This suggests various uses of svSocket that
>>> I had not think about! The primary goal was to make it:
>>> - flexible (I think it is clear from the demo),
>>> - running in the background while not blocking the CLI (Rgui, R.app, or
>>> the terminal, very clear from your demo too),
>>> - stateful (yes, this is not in your demo, but a client can disconnect
>>> and reconnect and got the same server state it had just before
>>> disconnection, including possibly, partial command send to R server),
>>> Not implemented yet, but planned for the future:
>>> - binary transfer of R objects,
>>> - connection to distant secured server using TSL (of course, distant
>>> connection requires a lot of extra precautions because R is NOT an
>>> Internet-secure language and environment, but that applies to all
>>> client/server R solutions like Rserve or Rpad),
>>> - mirroring of the commands, results and history on the different
>>> clients to make a simple collaborative R session.
>>> The primary use in SciViews is the communication engine between the
>>> client (a code editor, or IDE program like Komodo Edit) and server (R).
>>> Your demo gives an idea on the flexibility one got with it, including
>>> the possibility to inspect and/or change objects while R is running a
>>> long process. Your example of changing the plot in real-time without
>>> interrupting the main server's process is very illustrative. So now,
>>> imagine the debugging flexibility for long running tasks, and/or
>>> combination of svSocket with browser()... But that's another story,
>>> because svSocket does not work nicely with browser() for the moment.
>>> All the best,
>>> Philippe
>>> ..............................................<°}))><........
>>> ) ) ) ) )
>>> ( ( ( ( ( Prof. Philippe Grosjean
>>> ) ) ) ) )
>>> ( ( ( ( ( Numerical Ecology of Aquatic Systems
>>> ) ) ) ) ) Mons-Hainaut University, Belgium
>>> ( ( ( ( (
>>> ..............................................................
>>> Matthew Dowle wrote:
>>>> Dear r-help,
>>>> If you haven't already seen this then :
>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvT8XThGA8o
>>>> The video consists of typing at the console and graphics, there is no
>>>> audio
>>>> or slides. Please press the HD button and maximise. Its about 8 mins.
>>>> Regards, Matthew

Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
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