[R] ANCOVA with defined error terms

hpdutra hpdutra at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 26 08:27:44 CEST 2009

Could someone or Richard explain to me what he meant by 

"This also shows a singular Error().  We look at the data and see that
plot is identical to the three-way veget:fruit:block interaction."
It seems to me that I just needed to recoded the plots, in order to get rid
of the Error message. If that is true, then why I can't go back to the
original model proposed by Richard
track.aov <- aov(mice ~ coon
+ block * veget * fruit * time - block:veget:fruit:time
+ Error(block/Plot), data = track) 

and calculate F values myself? 

Thank you very much for the feedback. 

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/ANCOVA-with-defined-error-terms-tp25055311p25147303.html
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