[R] Monotone Smoothing specifically I splines

Helen Powell h.powell at stats.gla.ac.uk
Mon Aug 24 18:43:39 CEST 2009


I am looking for a function to create an Integrated (I) spline basis, 
somehting similar to the likes of 'bs' and 'ns'. I have come across the 

fda::eval.monfd   Values of a Monotone Functional Data
fda::/.fd         FDA internal functions
fda::monfn        Evaluates a monotone function
                   Monotone Smoothing of Data
mgcv::mono.con    Monotonicity constraints for a cubic
                   regression spline
                   Monotone Inverse Spline
stats::isoreg     Isotonic / Monotone Regression

but none of these are specifically for an I-spline. Any help would be 
much appreciated.

Helen Powell (Glsagow)

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