[R] graph label greek symbol failure
Gavin Simpson
gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Aug 19 18:47:46 CEST 2009
On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 17:06 +0100, e-letter wrote:
<snip />
> >
> Being familiar with latex, I interpret your description of the tilde
> (~) as non-breaking space, therefore I used the command:
> plot(1:10,ylab=expression(temperature~delta*t))
> to give me the result I wanted; in other words the space characters
> are not needed between temperature,~ and delta in your suggestion.
No, the spacing is not needed, just like any other spacing in R, it is
ignored, but my eye-brain wetware system is /not/ the R parser and as
such I like to space things out so *I* can parse and *understand* my
code; I find it easier to find syntax errors etc that way.
Note that there was a difference between what I posted and Baptiste's
example; there the space was explicitly encoded within "temperature ",
where as I use "~" as the indicator for spacing; any other spacing was
just for sake of legibility.
I also don't think this is non-breaking because unless you add an
explicit \n (newline) in your label, the entire label will be rendered
on a single line.
Better to think of
x ~ y (or x~y if you think that is more readable)
as just putting spacing between x and y. As ?plotmath shows, you can
string multiple ~ together to give extra spacing;
x ~~ y
And so on...
Glad you got this working as you wanted.
> Thank you.
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