[R] "Longer Dash" using lty

jim holtman jholtman at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 14:27:01 CEST 2009


Look at line type specification:

Line Type Specification
Line types can either be specified by giving an index into a small
built-in table of line types (1 = solid, 2 = dashed, etc, see lty
above) or directly as the lengths of on/off stretches of line. This is
done with a string of an even number (up to eight) of characters,
namely non-zero (hexadecimal) digits which give the lengths in
consecutive positions in the string. For example, the string "33"
specifies three units on followed by three off and "3313" specifies
three units on followed by three off followed by one on and finally
three off. The ‘units’ here are (on most devices) proportional to lwd,
and with lwd = 1 are in pixels or points or 1/96 inch.

The five standard dash-dot line types (lty = 2:6) correspond to
c("44", "13", "1343", "73", "2262").

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Jason Rupert<jasonkrupert at yahoo.com> wrote:
> By any chance is there a way to make the lty dashes longer?
> Ideally it would work kind of like the following:
> plot(-4:4, -4:4, type = "n")
> abline(-5,-4:4, lty="dashed")
> abline(-2,-4:4, lty="longdash") # long dash words (love this)
> abline(-4:4,-4:4, lty="longerdash")
> I read the lty documentation that is included with par, but it did not mention a method for changing the length of the current dash to "longer".
> Thank you for any feedback.
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
+1 513 646 9390

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