[R] calling a function with dynamically generated buttons
jim holtman
jholtman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 16:04:47 CEST 2009
Untested, but try something like this:
for(i in 1:(reihen-1)) {
but <- tkbutton(base, text = classi[i], command = local({
anzeige <- data.matrix(dataframe[i,-c(spalten)])
namen <- names(anzeige)
tit <- paste(classi[i], "\nTotal Threshold
for", classi[i], ":", dataframe[i, spalten])
function() {plotten(mat = anzeige, namen =
namen, titel = tit)}
tkgrid(but, row=4, column=i, sticky="e")
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:47 AM, Anne Skoeries<home at anne-skoeries.de> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I'm dynamically generating buttons depending on the number of rows of my
> dataframe. Every button is supposed to call a function which generates a
> plot with the values of one of my dataframe rows.
> My code looks like this:
> base <- tktoplevel()
> plotten <- function(mat, namen, titel) {
> midpts <- barplot(height=mat, names.arg = namen, main = titel, las=2)
> text(midpts, 1, mat)
> mtext(text=paste("Treshold:", thresh), side=3, col="blue")
> }
> lb <- tklabel(base, text="Barplot:")
> tkgrid(lb, row=4, column=0)
> for(i in 1:(reihen-1)) {
> anzeige <- data.matrix(dataframe[i,-c(spalten)])
> namen <- names(anzeige)
> tit <- paste(classi[i], "\nTotal Threshold for", classi[i], ":",
> dataframe[i, spalten])
> but <- tkbutton(base, text = classi[i], command = function()
> {plotten(mat = anzeige, namen = namen, titel = tit)})
> tkgrid(but, row=4, column=i, sticky="e")
> }
> The buttons are all displayed correctly in my window, but after pressing
> one, it always generates a plot with the last parameters. So, if I've
> generated 3 buttons and choose button1, it generates a plot with the
> parameters of button3. The same plot after pressing button2 or button3.
> How can I make sure, that each button calls the function with it's "own"
> parameters? So that button1 calls the function with the first row of my
> dataframe as the function parameter, button2 with the second row and so on?
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Anne Skoeries
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Jim Holtman
Cincinnati, OH
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