[R] how use cat() function?

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Mon Aug 10 23:21:19 CEST 2009

Here is are some examples that might help.

   a <- 1
   b <- 2
   c <- 5

   cat( "a=,",a, " b=,",b, " c=",c, "\n" , sep='', file="output.csv")

and don't append unless you are adding more lines to an existing file.

Or perhaps you want

   cat(  paste( a,b,c , collapse=",") ,"/n" , file="output.csv", append=TRUE)

Yet, you are using   sep=","   in your code, but you show no commas 
in your example of what you want.
So perhaps

   cat("a   b   c\n",file="output.csv")
   cat( "a=,",a, "  b= ,",b, "  c=",c, "\n" , sep='', file="output.csv")

  output <- paste( "a=,",a, "  b= ,",b, "  c=",c, sep='')
  cat(output, '\n', file="output.csv", append=TRUE)


At 4:06 PM +0000 8/10/09, Inchallah Yarab wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Content-length: 1497
>i  want to print in the console and to have an excel file like this
>no_GWP                NbOfPolicyClass1[0-1000] 
>NbOfPolicyClass2[1000-3000]        NbOfPolicyClass3[> 3000]
>No_GWPMax=8    NbpolicyClass1=5                   NbpolicyClass2=4 
>NbpolicyClass3 =3             
>i have do it like this:!!!
>data1 <- read.csv2("c:/Total1.csv",sep=",")
>>  data2 <- read.csv2("c:/GWPMax1.csv",sep=",")
>>  M <- merge(data1, data2, by.x = "Policy.Number", by.y = "Policy.Number")
>>  nrow(data1)
>[1] 20
>>  nrow(M)
>[1] 12
>>  No_GWPMax <- nrow(data1)-nrow(M)
>>  (NbOfPolicyWithoutGWPMax <- nrow(data1)-nrow(M))
>[1] 8
>>  M$GWP_Max <- as.numeric(as.character(M$GWP_Max))
>>  class1 <- M[(M[,25]> 0 & M[,25]<1000) ,]
>>  NbpolicyClass1 <- nrow(class1)
>>  class2<- K[(K[,25]>1000 & K[,25]<3000),]
>>  NbpolicyClass2 <-  nrow(class2)
>>  class3 <- K[(K[,25]>3000),]
>>  NbpolicyClass3 <- nrow(class3)
>  > Output<- "No_GWPMax 
>>  Output <- paste(No_GWPMax 
>  > cat(Output,file="Output2.csv",fill=TRUE,append=TRUE)
>but that doesn't give me the title juste 8 5 4 3
>any ideas??
>thank you a lot
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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