[R] Matrices
Gavin Simpson
gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Aug 10 19:18:38 CEST 2009
On Mon, 2009-08-10 at 11:17 -0400, mmv.listservs wrote:
> yy<-poisson2[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot
> 2",poisson2$Task.Status=="F",,drop=FALSE]
The above doesn't make any sense and can't be working or doing what you
think it is doing.
Lets dissect this command:
yy <- poisson2[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot2",
^^^ so this bit is a flag as to whether we include
certain rows
poisson2$Task.Status=="F", , drop=FALSE]
^^^ Now this bit is saying include columns based on
or not each of your 10000 Task.Status entries == "F" or
That doesn't make sense. If you want to combine the two clauses, so that
we return only rows where Reboot.Id=="Reboot2" *and* Task.Status=="F"
are TRUE, then you need to use the & operator, e.g.
Reboot.Id=="Reboot2" & Task.Status=="F"
This should work:
flag <- with(poisson2, Reboot.Id=="Reboot2" & Task.Status=="F")
yy <- poisson2[flag, , drop = FALSE]
~~ ^ the blank here means all columns.
As a concrete example as you didn't provide us with the means of
replicating your problem (while you are reading some introductory
material on subsetting, also read the Posting Guide to see how to help
*us* help *you*), we use some dummy data, 3 variables and subset
conditional upon values of two of them, but return all three columns for
the result.
## first set the random seed so we get the same results
## now produce some dummy data
dummy <- data.frame(A = sample(LETTERS[1:4], 100, replace = TRUE),
B = sample(c("T","F"), 100, replace = TRUE),
C = rnorm(100))
## view first few rows
## Lets see which LETTERs we have
with(dummy, table(A))
## Produce table of A vs B
with(dummy, table(A, B))
## As example, select rows of 'dummy' where:
## A == "D" *and* B == "F"
## which, from table above, should contain 13 rows
flag <- with(dummy, A == "D" & B == "F")
want <- dummy[flag,]
## notice we get column C as well, because we don't specify which
## columns to return...
## how many rows? Is this what we expected?
Does this help?
The problem with your first posting is that you forgot the trailing
all_column_attributes_for_reboot_1 <- poisson2[poisson2
^^ needs a , here
1) choose simpler names - you'll save yourself some RSI not having to
type them in
2) the command should look something like this:
res <- poisson2[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot1", ]
So now res will contain all rows of poisson2 where Reboot.Id ==
"Reboot1", with all column attributes. To stop R dropping empty
dimensions, we might wish to extend this to:
res <- poisson2[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot1", , drop = FALSE]
## Note the empty column indicator -----------^
> doesn't work either? Any other ideas?
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:01 AM, mmv.listservs <mmv.listservs at gmail.com>wrote:
> > How do you access all the column attributes associated with a column reboot
> > instance?
> >
> > The variables
> >
> > poisson2 ~ a matrix with 10,000 rows and 8 column attributes.
> >
> > Things I tried:
> >
> >
> > This command only returns a vector for one of the column attributes
> > x1_prob <- poisson2$Probability[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot 1"]
> >
> > The command below gave an error:
> > all_column_attributes_for_reboot_1 <- poisson2[poisson2$Reboot.Id=="Reboot
> > 1"]
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> >
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Dr. Gavin Simpson [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
ECRC, UCL Geography, [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
Pearson Building, [e] gavin.simpsonATNOSPAMucl.ac.uk
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