[R] if confusion

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Aug 3 22:51:20 CEST 2009

On 4/08/2009, at 8:40 AM, rkevinburton at charter.net wrote:

> Simple question:
> Why doesn't the following work? Or what 'R' rule am I missing?
> tclass <-  "Testing 1 2 3"
> if(tclass == "Testing 1 2 3")
> {
>     cat("Testing", tclass, "\n")
> }
> else
> {
>     cat(tclass, "\n")
> }
> I get an error 'else' is unexpected.

The segment

if(tclass == "Testing 1 2 3")
     cat("Testing", tclass, "\n")

Is syntactically complete, so that when the parser comes to the  
``else'' it
finds it ``dangling'' and hence ``unexpected''.

The following wee adjustment works:

tclass <-  "Testing 1 2 3"
if(tclass == "Testing 1 2 3")
     cat("Testing", tclass, "\n")
} else {
     cat(tclass, "\n")


		Rolf Turner

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