[R] How to replace values?

Suhaila Zainudin suhaila.zainudin at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 08:29:39 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I have a list of genes as follows (A)

Number  GeneName
0             YAR003W
1             YAR007C
2             YAR008W
3             YBL035C
4             YBL111C
5             YBL112C

And I have a list of gene interactions as follows (B)

0 -> 1
1 -> 5
3 -> 4
2 -> 3

I want to replace the values in (B) with the corresponding values in
(A) ie, I want to achieve the following

0 -> 1 replaced with YAR003W ->YAR007C
1 -> 5 replaced with YAR007C -> YBL112C
3 -> 4 replaced with YBL035C ->   YBL111C
2 -> 3 replaced with YAR008W -> YBL035C

The example is simple with (A) and (B) only having a few lines.  But
in reality, (A) may contain more than 1000 genes and (B) may contain
thousands of interactions.

Any suggestions  on how to achieve the above task are welcomed!

Suhaila Zainudin
PhD Candidate
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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