[R] Out of memory issue

Thomas Lumley tlumley at u.washington.edu
Wed Apr 29 19:46:52 CEST 2009

On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, Neotropical bat risk assessments wrote:

>   Hi again all,
>   I can read all of the data is in CSV format with a header row and with
>   1,200,240 rows.
>   I can do all the plots and ggplot2 has no problems.
>   Seems to be a problem with the MASS package???
>   It seems that the contour plots are the problem with the memory error.
>   Error: cannot allocate vector of size 228.9 Mb
>   I can run smaller data sets and do the contour plots w/o problems.
>   The data can not really be summarized as I need to plot the actual values to
>   get the insight into the large data sets.

Why can't you divide the plot into, say, four regions with a quarter of 
the data and draw contours for each region, and then overlay the printed 


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