[R] send command to other program

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Wed Apr 29 11:37:13 CEST 2009

thoeb wrote:
> Hello,
> does anybody know about how to "send" a command or a text line from R to
> another program? I have written a script in which several calculations are
> made and outputfiles (csv) are generated. Afterwards I open another program
> (Fortran) via shell.exec. This program asks for the names if the output
> files and it would be quite practically if it could just adopt the file
> names from the r script.
Hi Tamara,
If the succeeding program can read the name of the input file via the 
command line arguments, like:

myfortranprogram -i myfile.csv

you can include the arguments in the shell call. Alternatively, you 
could have R write a shell script that would execute the program with 
the appropriate arguments, then call the shell script from R. Of course 
if your program has to have keyboard input for the filename, you would 
have to resort to magic like writing the filename into the keystroke buffer.


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