[R] 3 questions regarding matrix copy/shuffle/compares

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Apr 26 15:20:21 CEST 2009

On Apr 26, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Esmail wrote:

> Hello David,
> Let me try again, I don't think this was the best post ever I've  
> made :-)
> Hopefully this is clearer, or otherwise I may break this up into
> three separate simple queries as this may be too long.
> > "==" is not an assignment operator in R, so the answer is that it
> > would do neither.  "<-" and "=" can do assignment. In neither case
> > would it be a "deep copy".
> It was late when I posted the code, I made a mistake with regard to
> the assignment operator and used the boolean compare instead -- thanks
> for catching that.
> It should have been:
>    keep_pop[1:POP_SIZE] = pop[1:POP_SIZE]
> -------- Here's an edited and clearer version I hope:
> The basic idea is that I am trying to keep track of a number of  
> bitrings.
> Therefore I am creating a matrix (named 'pop') whose rows are made up
> of bit vectors (ie my bitstrings).  I only initialize half of the rows
> with my bitstrings of random 1s and 0s, the rest of the rows are set
> to all zeros).
> So I use following function call to create a matrix and fill it with
> bit strings:
>   pop=create_pop_2(POP_SIZE, LEN)
> where
>   POP_SIZE refers to the number of rows
>   LEN to the columns (length of my bitstrings)
> This is the code I call:
> ####################################################
> # create a random binary vector of size "len"
> #
> create_bin_Chromosome <- function(len)
> {
>  sample(0:1, len, replace=T)
> }
> ############## create_population ###################
> # create population of chromosomes of length len
> # the matrix contains twice as much space as popsize
> #
> create_pop_2 <- function(popsize, len)
> {
>  datasize=len*popsize
>  print(datasize)
>  npop <- matrix(0, popsize*2, len, byrow=T)
>  for(i in 1:popsize)
>    npop[i,] = create_bin_Chromosome(len)
>  npop
> }
> My 3 questions:
> (1) If I did
>    keep_pop[1:POP_SIZE] = pop[1:POP_SIZE]
>    to keep a copy of the original data structure before manipulating
>    'pop' potentially, would this make a deep copy or just shallow? Ie
>    if I change something in pop would keep_pop change too? I would
>    like two independent copies so that 'keep_pop' stays intact while
>    'pop' may change.
>    > "<-" and "=" can do assignment. In neither case would it be a
>    > "deep copy".
>    Is there a deepcopy operator, or would I have to have two nested
>    loops and iterate through them? Or is there a nice R-idiomatic way
>    to do this?

Not that I know of, although my knowledge of R depth is not  
encyclopedic. You might get the desired sort of effect by creating a  
copy  inside a function, working on it inside the function in the  
manner desired, and then comparing the output to the original. There  
might be other strategies to get certain effects by creating specific  

> (2) If I wanted to change the order of rows in my matrix 'pop', is
>    there an easy way to shuffle these?  I.e., I don't want to change
>    any of the bitstrings vectors/rows, just the order of the rows in  
> the
>    matrix 'pop'. (E.g., in Python I could just say something like
>    suffle(pop)) - is there an equivalent for R?
>    So if pop [ [0, 0, 0]
>                [1, 1, 1]
>                [1, 1, 0] ]
>    after the shuffle it may look like
>              [ [1, 1, 0]    (originally at index 2)
> 	        [1, 1, 1]    (originally at index 1)
>                [0, 0, 0] ]  (originally at index 0)
>    the rows themselves remained intact, just their order changes.
>    This is a tiny example, in my case I may have 100 rows (POPS_SIZE)
>    and rows of LEN 200.

Yes. As I said before "I am going to refrain from posting speculation  
until you provide valid R code
that will create an object that can be the subject of operations."
> (3) I would like to compare the contents of 'keep_pop' (a copy of the
>    original 'pop') with the current 'pop'. Though the order of rows
>    may be different between the two, it should not matter as long as
>    the same rows are present.  So for the example given above, the
>    comparison should return True.
>    For instance, in Python this would be simply
>    if sorted(keep_pop) == sorted(pop):
>       print 'they are equal'
>    else
>       print 'they are not equal'
>    Is there an equivalent R code segment?

If you created a random index vector that was used to sort the rows  
for display or computational purposes only, you could maintain the  
original ordering so that row wise comparisons could be done.
> I hope this post is clearer than my original one. Thank you David for
> pointing out some of the shortcomings of my earlier post.
> Thanks,
> Esmail

David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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