[R] lagged variable in a dataframe
Cecilia Carmo
cecilia.carmo at ua.pt
Fri Apr 24 12:11:15 CEST 2009
I have the following dataframe which represents a
financial variable:
> revenue
firm year revenue id
10.1 500194670 2007 27725 10
10.2 500194670 2006 9717 10
10.3 500194670 2005 125621 10
10.4 500194670 2004 84837 10
12.1 500278725 2007 308532 12
12.2 500278725 2006 493755 12
12.3 500278725 2005 238195 12
12.4 500278725 2004 35472 12
13.1 502616695 2007 725 13
13.2 502616695 2006 14392 13
13.3 502616695 2005 32502 13
13.4 502616695 2004 35271 13
And I want to compute the lagged version of it, like this:
firm year revenue id
10.1 500194670 2007 9717 10
10.2 500194670 2006 125621 10
10.3 500194670 2005 84837 10
10.4 500194670 2004 NA 10
12.1 500278725 2007 493755 12
12.2 500278725 2006 238195 12
12.3 500278725 2005 35472 12
12.4 500278725 2004 NA 12
13.1 502616695 2007 14392 13
13.2 502616695 2006 32502 13
13.3 502616695 2005 35271 13
13.4 502616695 2004 NA 13
Ive tried lag(revenue,k=1) but I failed. The error
message was:
Error in attr(x, "tsp") <- c(1, NROW(x), 1) :
invalid time series parameters specified
Thank you for your help,
Cecília Carmo (Portugal)
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