[R] function output with for loop and if statement

Gavin Simpson gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Apr 23 10:18:17 CEST 2009

On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 15:51 -0400, aaron wells wrote:
> Hello all, turns out i'm having a bad R week.  I am at my wits end
> with a function that I am trying to write.  When I run the lines of
> code outside of a function, I get the desired output.  When I wrap the
> lines of code into a function it doesn't work as expected.  Not sure
> what is going on here.  I suspected that the syntax of the if
> statement with the for loop was the culprit, but when I only ran the
> part of the code with the for loop with no if statement I still had
> the above problem (works outside function, fails when wrapped into a
> function).  Below is the code and example output.  Please help!  

It would help a lot if you spaced your code out a bit around key
operators and structural elements.

Anyway, you didn't enclose the if/else blocks in {} in such cases, only
the line following the if(...) is run if the clause is TRUE - the lines
after that, but the code you provided doesn't even load into R - the
lone else is a syntax error. So it is a bit difficult to see what is
going on and you don;t provide an example any of us can reproduce as we
don't have your data objects.

I edited your functions below to do what I think you intended and to
clean it up a bit. Perhaps we can use this as starting point if the
function here:

`concov.test` <- function(vegetation, specieslist)
    test.veg <- vegetation
    names(test.veg) <- specieslist$LifeForm
    nams <- unique(names(test.veg))
    tmp <- matrix(nrow = nrow(test.veg), ncol = length(nams))
    for (i in nams) {
        test.out <- apply(test.veg[, names(test.veg)==i], 1, sum)
        tmp.match <- nams[nams==i]
        tmp.col <- match(tmp.match, nams)
        tmp[1:nrow(test.veg), tmp.col] <- test.out
        tmp.out <- data.frame(row.names(test.veg), tmp, row.names = 1)
        names(tmp.out) <- nams
        ## do you need this or is this for debugging?
        tmp.out.sort <- tmp.out[, order(names(tmp.out))]
    if(table(names(tmp.out))[i] == 1) {
        nams.srt <- names(tmp.out.sort)
        tmp.match2 <- nams.srt[nams.srt == i]
        tmp.col2 <- match(tmp.match2, names.srt)
        tmp.out.sort[1:nrow(test.veg), tmp.col2] <-
            test.veg[, names(test.veg)==i]
    } else {

doesn't do what you want. Please provide a small, reproducible example
(that means with data, dummy or otherwise) so we can run the code and
test changes against your data.



>          Thanks, 
>                  Aaron
> concov.test<-function(vegetation,specieslist)
> {
>  test.veg<-vegetation
>  names(test.veg)<-specieslist$LifeForm
>  tmp<-matrix(nrow=nrow(test.veg),ncol=length(unique(names(test.veg))))
>  for (i in unique(names(test.veg))) {test.out<-apply(test.veg[,names(test.veg)==i],1,sum)
>   tmp.match<-unique(names(test.veg))[unique(names(test.veg))==i]
>   tmp.col<-match(tmp.match,unique(names(test.veg)))
>   tmp[1:nrow(test.veg),tmp.col]<-test.out
>   tmp.out<-data.frame(row.names(test.veg),tmp,row.names=1);names(tmp.out)<-unique(names(test.veg))
>   tmp.out
>   tmp.out.sort<-tmp.out[,order(names(tmp.out))]
>  }
>  if(table(names(tmp.out))[i]==1)
>   tmp.match2<-names(tmp.out.sort)[names(tmp.out.sort)==i]
>   tmp.col2<-match(tmp.match2,names(tmp.out.sort))
>   tmp.out.sort[1:nrow(test.veg),tmp.col2]<-test.veg[,names(test.veg)==i]
>          return(tmp.out.sort)
>  else return(tmp.out.sort)
> }
> ----Incorrect output when run as function-----
> > test<-concov.test(ansveg_all,spplist.class)
> > test
>                         Bare_Ground Deciduous_Shrubs Deciduous_Tree Evergreen_Shrubs Evergreen_Tree Forbs Grasses Lichens Mosses Sedges
> ANSG_T01_01_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   95.0     NA
> ANSG_T01_02_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   16.0     NA
> ANSG_T01_03_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   71.0     NA
> ANSG_T01_04_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   10.0     NA
> ANSG_T02_01_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   92.2     NA
> ANSG_T02_02_2008          NA               NA             NA               NA             NA    NA      NA      NA   14.0     NA
> .
> .
> .
> ----Correct output when code is run outside of a function----
> > test.veg<-ansveg_all
> > names(test.veg)<-spplist.class$LifeForm
> > tmp<-matrix(nrow=nrow(test.veg),ncol=length(unique(names(test.veg))))
> > 
> > for (i in unique(names(test.veg))) {test.out<-apply(test.veg[,names(test.veg)==i],1,sum)
> + tmp.match<-unique(names(test.veg))[unique(names(test.veg))==i]
> + tmp.col<-match(tmp.match,unique(names(test.veg)))
> + tmp[1:nrow(test.veg),tmp.col]<-test.out
> + tmp.out<-data.frame(row.names(test.veg),tmp,row.names=1);names(tmp.out)<-unique(names(test.veg))
> + tmp.out
> + tmp.out.sort<-tmp.out[,order(names(tmp.out))]
> + }
> > if(table(names(tmp.out))[i]==1)
> + tmp.match2<-names(tmp.out.sort)[names(tmp.out.sort)==i]
> > tmp.col2<-match(tmp.match2,names(tmp.out.sort))
> > tmp.out.sort[1:nrow(test.veg),tmp.col2]<-test.veg[,names(test.veg)==i]
> >         return(tmp.out.sort)
> > else return(tmp.out.sort)
> > 
> > 
> > tmp.out.sort
>                  Bare_Ground Deciduous_Shrubs Deciduous_Tree Evergreen_Shrubs Evergreen_Tree Forbs Grasses Lichens Mosses Sedges
> ANSG_T01_01_2008           0             57.0            1.0             40.0           35.0  22.0     5.0    35.0   95.0    1.1
> ANSG_T01_02_2008           0              0.0            0.0              0.0            0.0  34.0     0.0     0.0   16.0   24.0
> ANSG_T01_03_2008           0             31.0            0.0             47.0            1.0   9.1     3.0     3.0   71.0   14.0
> ANSG_T01_04_2008           0              0.0            0.0             12.0            0.0  13.2     0.0     0.0   10.0   16.0
> ANSG_T02_01_2008           0             15.0            1.0             22.0           36.0   9.2     2.0    38.0   92.2    0.1
> ANSG_T02_02_2008           0             33.0           66.0             23.0            2.0   5.0     0.0     3.0   14.0    0.0
> .
> .
> .
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 Dr. Gavin Simpson             [t] +44 (0)20 7679 0522
 ECRC, UCL Geography,          [f] +44 (0)20 7679 0565
 Pearson Building,             [e] gavin.simpsonATNOSPAMucl.ac.uk
 Gower Street, London          [w] http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucfagls/
 UK. WC1E 6BT.                 [w] http://www.freshwaters.org.uk

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