[R] Help using spg optimization in BB package

Ravi Varadhan RVaradhan at jhmi.edu
Wed Apr 22 16:55:41 CEST 2009

You can try defining a "projection" function as follows:

	project <- function(x) x / sum(x)

This should work fine.  

Let me know if you have any trouble.



Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, The Center on Aging and Health

Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology 

Johns Hopkins University

Ph: (410) 502-2619

Fax: (410) 614-9625

Email: rvaradhan at jhmi.edu

Webpage:  http://www.jhsph.edu/agingandhealth/People/Faculty/Varadhan.html



-----Original Message-----
From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On
Behalf Of dre968
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:23 AM
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] Help using spg optimization in BB package

i'm trying to use the BB package to minimize the sum of the squared
deviations for 2 vectors.  The only thing am having trouble with is defining
the project constraint.  I got the upper and lower bounds to work but i am
not sure how to create a constraint that the sum of x must be 1.  Any help
would be greatly appreciated.  
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