[R] My surprising experience in trying out REvolution's R

David M Smith david at revolution-computing.com
Tue Apr 21 20:00:45 CEST 2009

That's our guess too.  We're running some tests now on the code to see
what's going on, and it's entirely possible the performance gains are
a function of the problem size, so we're testing that too. Changes in
R between 2.7.2 (upon which REvolution R is currently based) and 2.9.0
are also a confounding factor.  (I'm assuming the timings reported
were on 2.9, not 1.9 as stated.) I'll report back here when I have
more details.

# David Smith

On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Bert Gunter <gunter.berton at gene.com> wrote:
> A guess: Depends on the problem, the hardware, the matrix libraries,...
> e.g. in relatively small problems, Revolution's overhead may consume more
> time and resources than the problem warrants. In others, you may see many
> fold improvements. Very dangerous to generalize from an example or two (as I
> recently experienced to my own chagrin).

David M Smith <david at revolution-computing.com>
Director of Community, REvolution Computing www.revolution-computing.com
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