[R] dynlm question: How to predefine formula for call to dynlm(formula) call

Ron Burns rrburns at cox.net
Sun Apr 19 06:19:48 CEST 2009

I want to set up a model with a formula and then run dynlm(formula) 
because I ultimately want to loop over a set of formulas (see end of post)

R> form <- gas~price
R> dynlm(form)

Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1959(1), End = 1990(4)

Works OK without a Lag term

R> dynlm(gas ~ L(gas,1))

Time series regression with "ts" data:
Start = 1959(2), End = 1990(4)

Works OK with a Lag with this type of call

R> form <- gas~L(gas,1)
R> dynlm(form)
Error in merge.zoo(gas, L(gas, 1), retclass = "list", all = FALSE) :
  could not find function "L"

Does not work using a predefined formula with a Lag  (This type of call 
works using dyn$lm from library(dyn))

How do I make the call (or how do I setup form) so that this works in dynlm?

Thanks for any help,

To be specific the following is an example of what I was attempting to do:
m1 <- gas ~ L(gas,1)
m2 <- gas ~ L(gas,1) + price
m3 <- gas ~ L(gas,1) + price + d(gas)
m4 <- gas ~ L(gas,1) + price + d(gas) + L(d(gas),1)

M <- c(m1,m2,m3,m4)
A <- array(0,c(4,2))

for(i in 1:4){
   g <- dynlm(M[[i]])   ## works if use dyn$lm from library(dyn) and use 
appropriate m's
   A[i,1] <- AIC(g,k=2)
   A[i,2] <- AIC(g,k=log(length(fitted(g))))
colnames(A) <- c("AIC","BIC")
rownames(A) <- c("m1","m2","m3","m4")


R. R. Burns
Retired in Oceanside, CA

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